
We make it easy for your customers to pay

Paymelinks are customizable short links that allow your customers to pay you via credit card with one click. Each link is unique and identifies a receivable transaction. You can customize these links with your own domain.



Customer receives payment link

Via SMS, e-mail, or other channels.


Enters the payment page

Customizable and multi-language.


Performs payment with one click

Through a 100% secure payment gateway.


Collect multiple receivables at once

If a custmer has more than one unpaid invoice, we give them the option to pay them all at once, or choose the ones that they want to actually pay at the moment. Additionally, the customer will keep receiving reminders for the pending invoices.

Pago a plazos

Facilitate the payment in multiple installments, with or without interest.

Our solution enables your customers to pay their debt in partial payments, allowing you to define the number of installments as well as the applicable interest, if any. For each partial payment, the customer will receive a reminder with an attached payment link.


Find out quicly why your customers are not paying

If a customer refuses to settle the claimed debt, we attempt to collect their reasons by means of a especific feedback form. Thus, you can receive actionable information to quickly resolve the issue.

How it works

Multichannel notifications, optimized by IA


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work together?

Request a live demo without obligation.
Optimize your debt collection and save costs using automated digital notifications and one click payments.

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We are in

Carrer del Bruc, 145
Entresuelo 2
08037 Barcelona


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